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Dołączył: 06 Kwi 2007
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Wysłany: 07/04/07, 7:03 pm Temat postu: |
Wedlug mnie to najbardziej wyrazista postac... Bardzo duzo przeszla... Gwalt, choroba...Ona tak ogolnie chyba najwiecej przeszla z calej ekipy TW... Ogolnie szkoda kobity... Mogla by w NY jeszcze porzadku troche narobic w kolejnej serii... ;P
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/05/01, 2:00 pm Temat postu: |
Dokładnie, zgadzam się.
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Dołączył: 28 Lut 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Białystok
Wysłany: 07/05/01, 9:50 pm Temat postu: |
A ja nie ! Bo nie można powiedzieć że przeszła najwięcej ! Na pewno przeszła dużo ale żeby mówić że najwięcej ? Moim zdaniem była zbyt krótko w serialu aby stawiać ją na pierwszym miejscu pod względem przeżyć !
Co nie zmienia faktu że bardzo ją lubie
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/05/02, 10:37 am Temat postu: |
No hm, czy ja wiem czy nie mozna.... To, że była w serialu tylko przez 3 sezony nie zmienia faktu, że przeżyła śmierć siostry, gwałt, chorobę, śmierć swojego partnera, itp. A to jest wiele. Nie wiem czy najwięcej, ale tak mi się wydaje... Bo choć Bosco czy Faith też przeszli wiele to chyba były to mniejsze tragedie, że tak powiem... Chociaż Bosco... Hm, może on przeszedł najwięcej, biorąc pod uwagę całe jego załamanie po 11 września... Chociaż z drugiej strony Cruz też była sama po tragedii WTC (mówi o tym Santiago w "The other 'L' word").
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Dołączył: 28 Lut 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Białystok
Wysłany: 07/05/03, 7:37 am Temat postu: |
Hmmm masz rację - po części
Ale śmierć Dade nie nazwałbym śmiercią partnera tylko po prostu członka zespołu ! Co do gwałtu to wtedy było mi jej bardzo żal to prawda .
Ale wracając do Maurice'a Strzelali do niego tyle razy że ciężko byłoby to zliczyć (i to kilka razy skutecznie ) wypadał z okna , wybuchały w niego różne dziwne rzeczy , sam również stracił brata i to w nieco bardziej drastycznych okolicznościach niż Cruz siostrę .
Ale chyba nie ma co sie spierać o to kto dostał większy wycisk ! Jedna i druga postać zasługuje na ogromne uznanie i szacunek !
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
Posty: 3297
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/05/03, 1:43 pm Temat postu: |
Lis napisał: | Ale śmierć Dade nie nazwałbym śmiercią partnera tylko po prostu członka zespołu ! |
Czy ja wiem. Na pewno Cruz ciężko to przeżyła, bo z nim pracowała najczęściej, był po jej stronie po strzelaninie w hotelu ("The Truth and Other Lies" i "My opening farewell") i jeszcze zginął na jej oczach, przez co Cruz chciała go pomścić...
Lis napisał: | Jedna i druga postać zasługuje na ogromne uznanie i szacunek !  |
A tu się zgadzam.
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Dołączył: 07 Maj 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: OchlaCity
Wysłany: 07/06/22, 2:04 pm Temat postu: |
mam do was prosbe. napiszcie mi kiedy cruz dolaczyla do obsady (w ktorej serii) poczatki jej pracy na ulicy i w jaki sposob zostala sierzantem
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
Posty: 3297
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/06/22, 8:10 pm Temat postu: |
Cruz pojawiła się w 2 odcinku 4 sezonu "The chosen few". Bosco przyuważył ją w gabinecie jak wracał z akcji dla wydziału. Cruz miała wtedy akcję jako prostytutka, była wkurzona na taką okropną babę, dla której wtedy Bosco pracował, i w ogóle na Bosco uwagi nie zwróciła ;p Dade wtedy powiedział Bosco, że to sierżant Cruz. Potem pojawiała się w serialu co raz częściej, bo Bosco zaczął z nią pracować (po raz pierwszy w odcinku "Firestarter"). No i potem miała ona z nim krótki romans, rozstali się, no i potem był 5 sezon i 6...
Jak chcesz wiedzieć coś jeszcze to pytaj. :]
A jak została sierżantem? W 5 sezonie w odcinku "Black and blue" mówi Bosco, że została awansowana za udaną akcję, za zasługi. W 6 sezonie mówi Bosco, że pracowała w policji 13 lat. A do serialu trafiła już jako sierżant!
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Dołączył: 07 Maj 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: OchlaCity
Wysłany: 07/06/25, 9:47 am Temat postu: |
dzieki za info cruz bo ja nie ogladalam jeszcze tych odcinkow i sie wlasnie zastanawialam jakie byly poczatki cruz w tym serialu
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/06/25, 5:02 pm Temat postu: |
Nmzc, polecam się na przyszłość
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 07/12/26, 2:51 am Temat postu: |
Jak wszyscy wiedza Tia Texada takze spiewa i jest tancerka. Ciezko znalezc jakiekolwiek jej piosenki, wiadomo tylko, ze jej utwor 'Driving you crazy' zostal wykorzystany w serialu "Jezioro marzen" (w sezonie 2 w scenie kiedy Dawson siedzi przy laptopie). Jednak ostatnio szperalam w necie i znalazlam piosenke 'Wish you were here" w jej wykonaniu. Jak dla mnie jest boska, Tia cudnie spiewa Mozna ja sciagnac pod adresem ponizej:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
btw. poszperalam na zagranicznym forum i znalazlam fragment wystepu Tii w zespole LilithFair z ok. 1998 roku: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Cruz dnia 07/12/26, 3:08 am, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 07 Maj 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: OchlaCity
Wysłany: 07/12/26, 3:08 pm Temat postu: |
Tia bardzo ladnie spiewa podoba mi sie ta piosenka
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Dołączył: 13 Lis 2008
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Bydgoszcz Płeć: Female
Wysłany: 09/01/11, 11:53 pm Temat postu: |
Oj Tia bardzo ładnie śpiewa,
ja znalazłam wywiad z Tia, o filmie Spartan, chyba tego tu nie było
First question was how they got interested in David Mamet's latest project :
"When I read the script, I loved the role [of Jackie Black] immediately, because she was so committed and dedicated. I felt she was like a nun; her commitment was like a nun's commitment would be to God. These people in the Special Forces, they give their lives over to the country. We had specific instructions that everything was about the mission, so it didn't matter what else was going on."
And what about how it is to actually work with Mamet? Is he as difficult to work with as some might think ?
"Mamet's an amazing playwright, so there's always an intimidation, but he makes everybody want to do their best with his energy and what he puts out there. David's dialogue is very crisp; it has a rhythm and a cadence. It was great seeing Val working with David, because I would never put them together, just from their styles and backgrounds, but they worked so well together. David definitely has a style and knows what he wants, so sometimes it would be different than what I'd bring. He'll be very specific, and you wonder why he wants to see it like this, but when I see the film as a whole, I can see what he was trying to create, and where my character, Jackie Black, fits into that. When you work with David, everybody wants to come back."
For their roles, they had to play characters that had to make quick and often difficult decisions. It was interesting to find out how they worked at developing their characters :
"Haney was a member of the Delta Force for years, and he wrote a book called "Inside the Delta Force". He helped me learn how to speak the dialogue, how the military would speak to each other with a certain respect, and how sometimes, you'd have to block your sexuality out. I had to pull back on things that maybe I would do naturally."
"Eric explained to me that there would be no women in this organization at all, so it's interesting that David wrote her as a woman."
Was there a lot of training involved ?
"I did my military training here in New York. It's funny, because I was in such great shape, but you can't tell. I thought I was going to be like in tank tops, but instead, I'm wearing men's fatigues. They also trained me in knife fighting even though you don't see it in the movie."
She had strong opinions on the movie's political views, and how it reflects on the current government :
"It's so interesting really what goes on in our world today, and I think that's what David is so great at showing. The political aspect of it is what makes the movie intriguing, and it's what pulled me in. There's a lot of underlying things going on in our government, which we always wonder about. David is very interested in politics, so it was interesting to see his word on it."
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Szef Biura
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2005
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Ziemia-Europa-Polska-woj. kujawsko-pomorskie-Bydgoszcz
Wysłany: 09/01/11, 11:58 pm Temat postu: |
Fajny. Co prawda nie wszystko zczailam(poszegolne slowa), ale ogolnie bardzo fajny wywiad. A nie masz moze czegos gdzie mowi o Glitterze??
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Dołączył: 13 Lis 2008
Posty: 186
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Bydgoszcz Płeć: Female
Wysłany: 09/01/13, 3:20 pm Temat postu: |
Tu jest tego dużo. Daję cały, bo to jest świetny wywiad.
Third watch -Stunning Tia Texada
Stunning Tia Texada
Stepping out
Interview by Chauncé Hayden
Stunning actress, Tia Texada currently stars as 'Sgt. Maritza Cruz' on
NBC's "Third Watch", now going into its fifth season this fall. The
popular weekly series is coming off it's highest rated season thus far and
Texada is a big reason why.
Best known for her work in the indie film world Texada recently played
'Dorrie' in "13 Conversations About One Thing", opposite John Turturro,
Matthew McConaughey, and Amy Irving. Texada will next be seen as "Jackie
Black" in David Mamet's, "Spartan" opposite William H. Macy, Val Kilmer,
and Derek Luke.
Other film credits include "Nurse Betty," playing Renee Zellweger's feisty
roommate, Joel Schumacher's "Phone Booth," Antoine Fuqua's "Bait," Eriq La
Salle's "Crazy As Hell" and Mariah Carey's "Glitter."
Besides film work Tia's television credits include a recurring role on
HBO's "Mind of a Married Man" playing 'Lane', the roommate who likes to
dance on countertops, and guest starring roles on "ER", "NYPD Blue", and
"Brooklyn South."
Tia is originally from Bayou, Louisiana. Her career began when, as a
child, she lent her voice to children's dance records, jingles and
cartoons. Since then her singing voice has been heard in the films
"Paulie" and "Welcome to the Neighborhood," as well as the television
shows, "Dawson's Creek" and "The Wild Thornberries". Tia is also a dancer
appearing in videos for Brazilian artist, Alexandre and South America's,
Iviano. Stage credits include "Twist of Fate" and "A Midsummer Night's
Dream" at the Globe Theatre.
I recently had the chance to talk to Tia Texada about her popular role on
"Third Watch," her interest in voodoo and her eternal connection to a film
she'd like to forget.
Chaunce Hayden: "Third Watch" is doing great, and your character, Sgt.
Maritza Cruz, is compelling to watch. I guess things are good.
Tia Texada: I'm having such a wonderful time! The guy who plays my partner
is one of my good friends, and so every day is a like a fun joke.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sgt. Cruz isn't very likeable.
No, she's not. But of course, because I play her, I think she's wonderful!
(Laughs) I shouldn't say it like that. When you play a character, you have
to believe them and like them. Because you have to find the rationale
behind that person.
Sgt. Cruz is tough and not very likeable on the series. But if Sgt. Cruz
was a guy, do you think peoples' perceptions would be completely
Oh, I totally agree! For me, it's just an amazing opportunity to play
somebody so strong. But what I like about Sgt. Cruz is that she's not just
strong, she's also very layered. She's not just one note. You see all her
colors, like when her sister died. A lot has happened to her during the
course of last season. This new season is going to be very interesting.
How would you describe Sgt. Cruz?
She's of course very strong. She also finds in people feelings that
normally other people wouldn't. When I play her, that's what I feel. She
will look at one thing and it will affect her forever. That's what I find
intriguing about her. She doesn't let things go, and yet she's strong
Some might call Sgt. Cruz a bitch. She's just strong-willed and she
doesn't take crap.
How much of Sgt. Cruz is inside of you personally?
Not much! It's a huge character stretch for me! It's so funny; I'm
probably one of the jokesters on the set. I'm always dancing around
between takes. I'm very, very different than my character. It's very
strange, because people will come up to me on the street and say, "I hate
Seriously? People actually come up to you and say that they hate you?
Well, it's different with the guys. I have guys come up to me and say,
"Sgt. Cruz, you can arrest me anytime!" I get that almost every day. I
travel back and forth from L.A. to New York a lot, and on the airplane I
meet so many guys who are turned on by Sgt. Cruz and they really think
that I'm her!
Don't you know that all guys love dominant women in a police uniform? It's
our own little sick fantasy.
(Laughs) It must be! I'm shocked every time it happens.
But it's different with the women?
The women don't like that my character has been with Bosco because the
women love Bosco. So women get mad at me because I seduced him and I'm his
boss and I'm such a bitch.
How does it feel to conjure up those kinds of responses in people?
It's fun because the way I look at it, is that when you're really playing
your character true, people will really believe what they're watching.
It's so funny, because my family always laughs when they see the show
because I'm so opposite from Sgt. Cruz. In fact, the show is hard for my
parents to watch sometimes because I'm so much not like that. It's just
not me.
Would you rather play characters that are opposite from you?
It's interesting, because most of the characters I've played throughout my
career have been totally opposite from me. I don't think I've ever played
a character who's even close to how I really am.
I'm amazed by the work you've done during your career. First of all, I'm a
big fan of the cartoon "The Wild Thornberrys." So I was surprised to see
that you were a voice on the show.
Isn't that a great cartoon? It's so wonderful because it's both
interesting to watch and at the same time it's educational. You learn so
much in every episode. All the characters on that show are so wonderful.
How many episodes of "The Wild Thornberrys" did you do?
I did three episodes where I played the voice of Peruvian llama named
"Santusa." I don't know if you saw the episodes, but the family is in Peru
and the llama takes the little girl on an exhibition. It's just so cute!
So many kids know that character, so I'm always signing autographs for my
friends' kids because they love that show.
Personally, I have a crush on the older daughter, even if she is animated.
Isn't she adorable!
Be honest, isn't voice-over work on cartoons the easiest gig in Hollywood?
I think all it really takes is a unique sound to your voice, or if you can
do a lot of different characters. I can do little kids' voices, and also
very seductive voices as well. It comes naturally to someone like myself
who's a goof off! (Laughs)
Have you ever worked as a phone sex girl?
(Laughs) You know what's funny? I do kind of have a sexy voice message on
my phone, so when people call they always tell me I should be in that
business! So, hey, if "Third Watch" ever goes off the air, I have myself
another career!
You started out as a singer, and even performed at The Lilith Fair. Are
you a singer who needs to act to pay the rent, or an actor who just likes
to sing?
I've always been acting and singing and dancing since I was a little girl.
But I started to write some songs for some friends, and Sarah McLaughlin
heard me and invited me to sing at The Lilith Fair. I was actually offered
a record contract. But at the same time I was offered a record contract, I
got the film "Nurse Betty." So I had to choose.
How hard of a choice was it?
It was really tough. The music was something that I really wanted to do,
but this was a great part and I had been waiting for a big break in a
film. I just couldn't turn the role down. So I put my music career on hold
and haven't stopped working as an actress ever since.
Can't you pursue both a music and an acting career?
You can, but it's very difficult if you want to do it right. I'm a very
focused person, and so it's hard for me to do 15 things at once. But I
still write songs and even after I did the film "Nurse Betty" I continued
to write songs, and even wrote and sang a song that played on "Dawson's
Creek." I really enjoy writing songs for particular scenes in films. Also,
now that I live in New York, I would like to perform in some clubs and get
into some cabaret and theatre. So it's still there. I wouldn't say that my
music career didn't go well, I just haven't focused on it.
But which career would you prefer to be successful at if you had the
(Pause) I'm not afraid to say that I'm kind of used to hiding behind
characters. When you sing, you have to be yourself, but I think I like
being a character better.
Don't you like yourself?
That's not it at all. There's a part of me that's really shy. Only my
friends and family see the real me. Only my friends and family see the
goofball that I really am. I like to save that part of me for myself. So
when I sing, it's hard for me to be myself out there. Does that make
Yes, I totally understand what you're saying. So what's a nice girl like
you doing in a crappy town like Hollywood anyway?
It's very difficult. I won't deny it. It's very difficult, and I have my
moments when I don't feel in control of it. But I love what I do. I love
the art of it. I love the entertainment part of it. But I don't like the
business side. But to have the creative and artistic, fairytale side of
acting, you have to be able to deal with the other side, and it's not
easy. I try to balance it, but I'm not going to lie. It's very, very
difficult. I've been through my moments where I've taken breaks. There
have been times when I've said, "I'm going to Mexico! I'm out of here!"
And I'll go off for three weeks. My brother is the one that makes me
escape it all and realize what it's all about. It really took my brother
to help me realize that, because you really can get caught up in it. I'm
sure you know yourself. You're in the business and you meet all these
famous people.
That's why I wonder how a nice person like you deals with the horrors of
I can understand how you would say that, because my family is the same
way. But I just make my job like a playtime. Just like I did when I was a
little girl. When I go to the set, I'm at my most vulnerable and creative.
That's what I love. I just hate dealing with contracts and trying to get
my name out there.
You've starred with so many "A" list actors, including Colin Farrell. I
have to ask you, what is the deal with his eyebrows? Don't they freak you
(Laughs) You know what it is about him? I'll tell you! He is so charming.
He really is.
Come on, you just love the accent.
I don't even think it's that. To me it's all about the energy of a person,
and the accent has nothing to do with that. I think it's just that he has
a really strong, piercing energy. He's very charismatic. It's like what
they say about President Clinton, he makes you feel like you're the only
important person in the room at that moment. Colin makes every woman feel
like that. He makes every woman feel like the dream of his life! He's the
biggest flirt. It's so funny, he would flirt with me, and then I would
turn around and he's flirting with five other women at the same time!
Did that upset you?
No! There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what he wants to do. He's
having fun and enjoying his life. I think he's adorable. But I think a lot
of different men are adorable for different reasons. My type isn't
normally the norm.
What's your type?
I like somebody who has a sense of adventure inside. Whether it be with
just simple things like a conversation or exploring beautiful things in
life or going to find the best gardens in New York. The kind of person you
can work with for six hours and you're fine with it!
Do you date only actors?
I date actors only because that's who I tend to meet. But I prefer my
future guy not be an actor, or just know enough about it so he can
understand me. I just need to be with a person who always wants to learn
something and have that adventurous spirit, because that's how I am. Every
day I wake up I think, "Oh my God, there's so much I want to learn today!"
There's so many books I want to read and so many poems I want to read and
so many dances I want to learn and ...
Damn, you put a lot of pressure on yourself.
I guess I just can't see how anyone can ever say, "I'm bored."
You're wearing me out just listening to you.
I'm just passionate. I just like to have fun and enjoy life!
Do you think you get that excitement from life from being born in New
Orleans? It seems to be Mardi Gras 24/7 for you.
Yes! I was born in the Bayou with the water in the background, where
everybody is barefoot and dancing.
Sounds like a scene out of "Angel Heart." Are you into that Bayou voodoo?
I know! That's what everybody says. You can look at voodoo in many ways.
You can say that voodoo is bad, but it doesn't always mean bad. There are
some wonderful people who have some magical spirits within them and use it
only for good.
So you are into voodoo, aren't you!
(Laughs) No! I'm not into anything of a bad nature. I'm only into the
voodoo of passion and love. The cool side of it.
But voodoo nonetheless.
My mom is able to tell what's going to happen in her dreams, and I know a
lot of people who have a magical spirit, but personally I would never wish
bad upon anybody or wish any kind of harm on anybody because they did
something to me.
But you could.
I do have some access to that world if I need it, Chaunce! I got some
connections and my mom sends me voodoo love dolls all the time!
Let's change the subject. Let's talk about the Mariah Carey film
"Glitter." What the hell were you thinking when you signed on for it?
Here's the thing. I had just finished making "Nurse Betty" and it hadn't
come out yet. So I was waiting for my next film role. Nobody knew my work
yet, so I had to audition and audition for that part in "Glitter." I
actually worked hard for that part! That's what is so funny about it. I
was actually excited. I loved Mariah Carey's voice and I thought this was
going to be a great project. Plus, I was going to get to show off my
dancing. What a great opportunity, I thought.
So rationally, you thought the film has to be a hit.
You would think! But let me just tell you, it was a disaster from the time
I got there. It was just horrible. I wanted to quit, but I couldn't
because when you're in, you're in. I would call my manager every day,
trying to get myself off the film. I was so new and I thought you had to
listen to what you were told. People would say, "You have to wear this!"
and I would just say, "Well I don't want to wear that!" But everyone,
including Mariah Carey said, "You have to wear what we give you or you're
fired!" She did not want any of us to look good!
I smell a Mariah-bashing coming on!
Let me just tell you that I wasn't allowed to show any of my body in this
movie because she would not allow it. It's too bad because she's so
beautiful and talented that she doesn't need to be that way. But she was
very insecure. Everyone else I worked with, whether it was Colin Farrell,
Chris Rock, Renee Zellweger, or Morgan Freeman, have all been so generous
and easy to work with. But working with Mariah was really hard. She knows
that I feel this way. When you work with actors, you have to make those
around you who you're working with feel comfortable. But she tried to make
us all feel horrible and it came out in the film. That's why the film was
such a flop. In fact, she cut out all my dance moves. She said, "Sorry,
but this movie is about my singing not your dancing." She just ruined the
What did you learn from the experience?
Now I'm totally different on the set. If something is wrong, I'll be the
first to speak up. Not in the diva way, but I'll tell people if I'm
uncomfortable with something. It will never happen to me again. Ever! And
if somebody treats me like Mariah did, then I won't talk to that person.
I have to ask you this. When something like that happens and you have a
terrible experience like that, does it affect how you perceive them as
talents? In other words, do you have trouble listening to Mariah's music
now? Even the hit songs?
(Yells) It's so funny that you said that! It's so interesting you said
that because I truly feel that way! I think she's ultratalented and she's
been through a lot and she's been sheltered a lot and we don't know her
full story, but it really is harder for me to listen to her music! I have
all her CDs and I don't think I've listened to any of them since that
Keep in mind Mariah was on the verge of an emotional breakdown during the
making of "Glitter." So maybe that had something to do with her attitude.
You don't know what people are going through, that's true. But I will say
that most of the other actors I worked with during my career have taken
the time to be a professional and they didn't go out of their way to make
the other actors on the set miserable. That's really why the film was a
failure. The film never should have been released.
Well, on the bright side, "Glitter" is forever a cult classic.
Do you know how many fans I have from that movie? I had a bunch of little
girls following me around the airport the other day because they loved the
The film that's so bad it's good.
Yes! And I've learned from it, plus I made the biggest paycheck I've ever
made on it as well! (Laughs) Sometimes the films you get the biggest
payday from are the worst ones! It's a crazy system!
Aren't you glad I brought up "Glitter"?
I know, and it's brought up all the time! It used to really agitate me
because it was such a negative experience. In fact, when I finished the
film, I quit acting for three months because I had had it! But now I just
laugh about it.
Every famous actor has their own "Glitter" story.
Exactly. I just hope that's my only one!
I take it the set of "Third Watch" is slightly less stressful?
Oh yeah. We try to make all our guest stars feel as comfortable as
possible. We just have so much fun. Everybody is so wonderful. That's the
great thing about this business, you can be working on a really bad movie
one minute and the next minute you're working on a beautiful series!
So tell me something about this new season of "Third Watch" that nobody
Well, there's something about my character this season that's been
sleeping inside of her that's going to come out.
She's a lesbian, isn't she?
No, the secret is that she loves Chaunce. She has had a crush on Chaunce
all along. In fact, I think you should end this interview with "Sgt. Cruz
in love with Chaunce." That's the perfect ending to what this whole next
season is about. Sgt. Cruz loves Chaunce! It's perfect! I love it!
W domu poprawię rozkład tego wywiadu, bo teraz nie mam za bardzo czasu
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